Our Greater Purpose
Personal thoughts on current events, cultural events, Israel, Judaism, Jewish/Israel innovations and life from a Jewish perspective - read into that what you may.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
UN's Double Standard for Arab Refugees - MUST READ AND FORWARD ON
80-90% of Arabs are New Arrivals “He gave a talk in which he said that 80% to 90% of the Arabs living here today have not lived here for many centuries, as they claim, but are new arrivals,” she said. “I then began researching the topic, and I found out that he was right.” She said that the professor asked that she not reveal his name, however.UN's Double Standard for Arab Refugees
by Hillel Fendel(IsraelNN.com) An artist and poetess from the Negev has embarked on a personal campaign to prove that the story on which she was raised – that the Jews stole the land from Palestinians – is untrue.
Yona Levy Grossman, a resident of Moshav Ein HaBesor, located within short-range rocket reach of Hamas terrorists, has begun circulating a slide-show presentation on the internet of late. "For a long time," she told Arutz-7’s Shimon Cohen, “I didn’t know the true story, and was influenced by the Arab lies.” She was finally “tipped off” to the falsehood of the claim that Jews stole Palestinian land by none other than a professor associated with the left-wing camp.
This is a basic issue that few people know about. The refugee issue is a scam. Please spread this information around to everyone you know. The UN has a double standard and it is not because it cares about the "palestinians". The UN and Arab world treat them as pawns in a protracted struggle against the existence of the State of Israel. These are the facts.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
1st Ever Skype and Twitter Movie Screening of Home Game this Sunday, Jan. 31st
This Sunday night I will be speaking, via skype video conference, at a Home Game movie screening at Congregation Etz Chaim in Lombard, Illinois.
Students and parents will be able to tweet their questions and comments via twitter so that I can answer them on camera for them to hear the answers live.
This is the first skype video conferencing and twitter movie screening for Home Game and 12Tribe Films. I look forward to many more to help spread the messages of Home Game to people worldwide.
All tweeters who want to follow the movie Q&A tweets can follow @avirach
BUYcott Israel Campaign Video - Oy Va Goy!
Chas Newkey-Burden is the man!
A man of principle, a man of introspection, a man who says what needs to be said and most of all a true friend of the Jewish people and the Land of Israel. We are blessed to have such friends.
Thank you Chas for giving us all hope!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
'No deal with PA greater threat than Iranian bomb' | Israel | Jerusalem Post
How can any Israeli leader, let alone a Minister, say such folly?
As a political entity on the world stage, the Palestinian Authority is battling Israel using international law to deligitimize the State of Israel in the eyes of the world (i.e the Goldstone report). Even with this reality Israel is doing everything in its power to return to the negotiating table, a step I believe to be pure idiocy.
Yet Ehud Barak says that the biggest threat to Israel is no negotiations? Bigger than the threat of Iran having nuclear weapons that it most probably would use against Israel (since it has said that it wants to wipe Israel off the map)?
It will be quite refreshing to have a Defense Minister who believes in the justice of our cause to live in our Homeland and to despise the "peace" partners who just want to destroy our existence here. If we are forced to negotiate with such partners at least call a spade a spade and put them in their place for the continued de-ligitimization of Israel on the world stage (and the killings of Israelis via their militias) that they support. Place those cards down on the table in front of them and then negotiate. Please respect yourself and your people just a little. Groveling with people who want to kill you makes us all look very very bad.
Avri Gilad of Arutz 2 is Unbelievable! Unbelievable!
Avri Gilad, on prime time TV (Arutz 2) just interviewed Aryeh Airbus, one of the soldiers who raised the sign at the Kotel ceremony that said "Soldiers from the Shimshon Company will not Evacuate Chomesh".
At the end of the interview Avri Gilad spoke directly to the television audience and said "I hope people think twice about using these dedicated and warm soldiers for such controversial acts".
Avri Gilad is the only Israeli media personality to go on record with such statements, which means he is the only Israel media personality who thinks for himself and has the guts to say what he thinks and he is not driven by the post-nationalist, anti-zionist party line.
Watching Avri Gilad tonight gives me hope that the Jewish people and the people of Israel will wake up from the coma that our current political, judicial and media leadership have placed upon us.
Other pearls of wisdom from the interview:
Upon asking Aryeh if his act of raising the sign was worth it, since it has placed the future of the Hesder Yeshivot in question Aryeh answered by saying the following:
"The army is to blame for using this incident to question the future of Hesder Yeshivot. Many soldiers who took part in raising the sign were non-relisious soldiers with no connection to Hesder Yeshivot. Yet the army does not talk about those soldiers, they had behind the door court sentences for them where they received punishments of 14 days."
Regardless if one agrees or disagrees with the act of these soldiers, this whole episode is blatant hypocrisy by Ehud Barak and the army establishment and political manipulation to go after the Hesder Yeshivot and the National Religious public.
Wow! Avri Gilad Shocks the Israeli Media
Just 5 minutes ago on Channel 2 TV in Israel, Avri Gilad, speaking about the absurd amount of publicity that the Netanyahu maid issue has received by the Israeli media, said that "the Israeli media is no longer the guard dog guarding democracy but it is now just a dog!"
Kudos to Avri Gilad for coming out and saying what has been needed to be said for years!
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
YouTube - Social Media Revolution
Many people might still be wary of using social media, but it is here to stay.
The question is not whether businesses should use social media tools, but HOW should businesses use them.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Rabbis to US Ambassador: Time to 'Go Biblical' with Arabs - How Refreshing to Hear Common Sense!
(IsraelNN.com) A delegation of the Rabbinical Congress for Peace (RCP) met with U.S. Ambassador to Israel, Mr. James Cunningham, today and called for a reassessment of the entire U.S. policy vis-à-vis the Israelis and Palestinians. The rabbis told Ambassador Cunningham that it was time to try the Biblical approach to the dispute over the Land of Israel.
"The past 17 years have proven without a shadow of a doubt that every square inch ceded by Israel to the Palestinians was transformed into a platform of hatred and terrorism," RCP Director Rabbi Avrohom Shmuel Lewin told the ambassador. "In other words, the 'land for peace' formula in the Israel-Palestinian context, besides being a formula that goes against the Divine will, is ineffective, obsolete, and an exercise in futility. Most of all it is a dangerous policy that only leads to bloodshed and instability in the region and harms vital American interests in the region as well," Lewin said.
'Land for peace doesn't work'
Wow, how refreshing to hear people talk some common sense, dealing with the facts of the past 17 years.
Even more refreshing, it was uttered by a group of 350 Rabbis.
And most refreshing of all, directed at the US Ambassador to Israel.
Will it make any difference? Most probably not, but at least this was said and done. Now if only the millions of Israelis would wake up to the facts too and do something about it.
It's nice to dream...