The Israeli democratic systems have never seemed so weak or corrupt (government, justice and press), yet the Israeli people have never exhibited such stregth or determination!
This is an extremely positive development for Israel.
More and more Israelis are waking up to the reality of a corrupt democratic process in Israel...
1. A Corrupt political decision making process and corrupt party practices
2. A Justice system that is driven by a political agenda and not a disseminator of justice
3. A press that is driven by a political agenda and not a guardian of democracy
There are too many examples for each to outline at this moment - the important thing is that more and more simple people in the Israeli street are coming to this realization.
What is important is that at the same time that the Israeli democratic systems are collapsing, the orange revolution is growing day by day – showing the strength of the Israeli people to put a stop to the hypocrisy and corruption of the Israeli democracy.
The collapse of the democratic facade of the Israeli democratic system taking place at the same time as a public strengthens its determination to fight the system - is a wonderful sign of positive things to come. The corruption can only continue as long as the democratic façade is strong enough to have public support. As the façade disapates and the public opinion changes to view the democratic façade as just that, the end of the corruption is in sight.
The orange struggle for Gush Katif is not about Gush Katif.
It is not even about the Land of Israel.
It is about the struggle to have the people of Israel lead the State of Israel as a true Democratic Jewish state, in the best interests for Am Yisrael, as opposed to the continued corrupt leadership of the Israeli elite who pretend to be democratic, but really are far from it.
Not everyone wearing an orage wristband or flying an orange ribbon on their car are conscious of the true purpose of the struggle, but that does not make a difference. Their determination to make am "orange" stand against the "Israeli democratic system" (sic) actually means a struggle against the corrupt system. The success of the "orange" struggle will in the end bring about the final break-up of the corrupt system. The open question remains - when the corrupt system falls what will take its place? Another corrupt system with different names or a true Jewish leadership who will take Israel in the correct direction?
The more determined will win this struggle. That is why the orange struggle will succeed! We are the more determined!!
With faith and determination we will win this struggle over the soul of the Israeli democratic system.
Personal thoughts on current events, cultural events, Israel, Judaism, Jewish/Israel innovations and life from a Jewish perspective - read into that what you may.
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Friday, June 17, 2005
It Sooo Won't Happen
Well everybody,
It is now becoming clearer and clearer that Sharon's anti-democratic, anti-Jewish plan to expel fellow Jews from their homes will not take place at all.
1. It has now become public knowledge in Israel that Sharon's only reason for coming up with the expulsion plan was to weasle out of becoming indicted by the Israeli court system. And the horrible thing is that it worked!! (What does that say about Israel's justice system!!!)
Sharon is corrupt, his fateful decision making for Israel has been all about saving himself and not about the Jewish people or Israel. How sad!
(But that is why we are here - to change it all and improve it)
To see last nights TV show where the Israeli (left wing) journalists exposed all of Sharon's dirty secrets click on the link below (it is in Hebrew).
As for the second wonderful reason why the plan won't take place:
2. Today it was announced that the whole Golani brigade has asked to be exempt from taking part in the explusion. Too many soldiers and officers would not have taken part so they asked to be given tasks in the "outside" circles that won't deal with the settlers in Gush Katif.
As a Golanchik myself - boy am I proud!!!
This is a whole brigade of hundreds of soldiers. It only shows how much Israeli soldiers and police officers are against taking part in the expulsion. On D-Day many wouldn't raise a hand, if they even showed up!
So, regardless of how it is stopped, the plan will never get off the ground.
Even with all my arguments with leftists, I have also spoken to many who also agree that the plan is bad and should be stopped because of the immense security dangers it will cause Israeli.
A majority of the Jewish people in Israel are against this plan and don't believe otherwise.
We are left to wonder what will what happen on the day after - after Sharon and his corrupt cronies fall, the day after the expulsion plan is shelved????
The political system in Israel will be in a state of shock, and almost leaderless. All of its potential leaders have performed leaderlessly (is that a word?) throughout Sharon's bulldozing of the Israeli democraci system in order to save his own skin.
Have I mentioned that the time is ripe for Manhigut Yehudit?
As Adir Zik used to say - Am Yisrael Will Prevail!!
Shabat Shalom
Well everybody,
It is now becoming clearer and clearer that Sharon's anti-democratic, anti-Jewish plan to expel fellow Jews from their homes will not take place at all.
1. It has now become public knowledge in Israel that Sharon's only reason for coming up with the expulsion plan was to weasle out of becoming indicted by the Israeli court system. And the horrible thing is that it worked!! (What does that say about Israel's justice system!!!)
Sharon is corrupt, his fateful decision making for Israel has been all about saving himself and not about the Jewish people or Israel. How sad!
(But that is why we are here - to change it all and improve it)
To see last nights TV show where the Israeli (left wing) journalists exposed all of Sharon's dirty secrets click on the link below (it is in Hebrew).
As for the second wonderful reason why the plan won't take place:
2. Today it was announced that the whole Golani brigade has asked to be exempt from taking part in the explusion. Too many soldiers and officers would not have taken part so they asked to be given tasks in the "outside" circles that won't deal with the settlers in Gush Katif.
As a Golanchik myself - boy am I proud!!!
This is a whole brigade of hundreds of soldiers. It only shows how much Israeli soldiers and police officers are against taking part in the expulsion. On D-Day many wouldn't raise a hand, if they even showed up!
So, regardless of how it is stopped, the plan will never get off the ground.
Even with all my arguments with leftists, I have also spoken to many who also agree that the plan is bad and should be stopped because of the immense security dangers it will cause Israeli.
A majority of the Jewish people in Israel are against this plan and don't believe otherwise.
We are left to wonder what will what happen on the day after - after Sharon and his corrupt cronies fall, the day after the expulsion plan is shelved????
The political system in Israel will be in a state of shock, and almost leaderless. All of its potential leaders have performed leaderlessly (is that a word?) throughout Sharon's bulldozing of the Israeli democraci system in order to save his own skin.
Have I mentioned that the time is ripe for Manhigut Yehudit?
As Adir Zik used to say - Am Yisrael Will Prevail!!
Shabat Shalom
My Journey to Manhigut Yehudit
Here is a great personal anecdote by someone who is now a MY supporter. I think I speak for many when I say "ditto" for the reasons on why I'm now a Manhigut Yehudit supporter as well.
Shabbat Shalom,
My Journey to Manhigut Yehudit
by: Gamliel Resnick
Sivan 1, 5765 (June 7, 05)
Gamliel Resnick, a graduate of Yeshiva University in New York,
is currently attending law school.
I used to think that if Binyamin Netanyahu or Ariel Sharon were to become prime minister, all of Israel's problems with the Arabs would disappear. I was surprised therefore, when, once elected to office, they became Rabin and Peres clones and the problems remained. Like many others, I couldn't understand what happened.
To solve this enigma, people claim prime ministers are under intense pressure. However, this claim is problematic. First, what's so hard about saying no, especially when the country's security is at stake? Second, pressure can only explain so much. Immediately after 9/11, when no pressure existed, Sharon still failed to act.
In fact, Israeli history features many grave errors made by its leaders that pressure simply cannot explain. In 1948, with no one pressuring her, Israel invited the Arabs to participate in the building of the country. After the Six Day War in 1967, with no one pressuring her, Israel begged fleeing Arabs to stay in the country. And immediately after that very same war, with no one pressuring him, Moshe Dayan ceded control of the Cave of Machpelah in Hebron and the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to the Arabs. Indeed, he boasts about it in his autobiography.
No pressure. And yet, Israel's leaders still made wrong and stupid decisions. Why?
Only after discovering Manhigut Yehudit, did I understand the answer to this question. I learned that the source of Israel's problems lie with the very first Zionist leader, Theodore Herzl. Herzl conceived the founding of a Jewish state in response to the discrimination Jews faced in Europe. He felt that if Jews had a country, the world would accept them as a nation among equals and would treat a Jew in the Diaspora just like it treats a Frenchman who happens to live outside of France. Essentially, Herzl's goal (which was really just a reincarnation of the secular Jew's goal to assimilate) was fave his own skin.
Have I mentioned that the time is ripe for Manhigut Yehudit?
As Adir Zik used to say - Am Yisrael Will Prevail!!
Shabat Shalom
Here is a great personal anecdote by someone who is now a MY supporter. I think I speak for many when I say "ditto" for the reasons on why I'm now a Manhigut Yehudit supporter as well.
Shabbat Shalom,
My Journey to Manhigut Yehudit
by: Gamliel Resnick
Sivan 1, 5765 (June 7, 05)
Gamliel Resnick, a graduate of Yeshiva University in New York,
is currently attending law school.
I used to think that if Binyamin Netanyahu or Ariel Sharon were to become prime minister, all of Israel's problems with the Arabs would disappear. I was surprised therefore, when, once elected to office, they became Rabin and Peres clones and the problems remained. Like many others, I couldn't understand what happened.
To solve this enigma, people claim prime ministers are under intense pressure. However, this claim is problematic. First, what's so hard about saying no, especially when the country's security is at stake? Second, pressure can only explain so much. Immediately after 9/11, when no pressure existed, Sharon still failed to act.
In fact, Israeli history features many grave errors made by its leaders that pressure simply cannot explain. In 1948, with no one pressuring her, Israel invited the Arabs to participate in the building of the country. After the Six Day War in 1967, with no one pressuring her, Israel begged fleeing Arabs to stay in the country. And immediately after that very same war, with no one pressuring him, Moshe Dayan ceded control of the Cave of Machpelah in Hebron and the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to the Arabs. Indeed, he boasts about it in his autobiography.
No pressure. And yet, Israel's leaders still made wrong and stupid decisions. Why?
Only after discovering Manhigut Yehudit, did I understand the answer to this question. I learned that the source of Israel's problems lie with the very first Zionist leader, Theodore Herzl. Herzl conceived the founding of a Jewish state in response to the discrimination Jews faced in Europe. He felt that if Jews had a country, the world would accept them as a nation among equals and would treat a Jew in the Diaspora just like it treats a Frenchman who happens to live outside of France. Essentially, Herzl's goal (which was really just a reincarnation of the secular Jew's goal to assimilate) was fave his own skin.
Have I mentioned that the time is ripe for Manhigut Yehudit?
As Adir Zik used to say - Am Yisrael Will Prevail!!
Shabat Shalom
Saturday, June 04, 2005
Manhigut Yehudit Weekly Email Update
The Jewish Leadership Movement
In this week's update:
The Arrest of the Leaders of the National Home Movement
Tens Still Under ArrestWhat's Next?
Victory in the Supreme Court
New Articles
New Audio Uploads
New Torah Sparks
The Arrest of the Leaders of the National Home Movement
Ariel Weingruber and Shai Malka, the leaders of the National Home movement (both in their early twenties), were brought to court twice this week for extension of their arrest. Ariel and Shai represented themselves in a noteworthy manner, but it was obvious that the judges could not resist the pressure applied to them from above, and the judgments are pre-determined.
In the hearing, Ariel and Shai cited previous demonstrations by the Histadrut, the taxi drivers, the university students, doctors and lifeguards in which roads were blocked, threats were made to "shut down the country," or lives were clearly endangered (the lifeguard strike). Nonetheless, the leaders of these protests were not tried for sedition. "In contrast to the above protests", they reiterated, "which revolved around economic issues, we are trying to save the very lives of all the citizens of Israel."
"Civil disobedience is a practice accepted in every proper democracy. It has been performed in France, in the USA, and in Russia. It is implemented when a large part of the public is trampled and feels that all 'legitimate' means are denied them," they continued. "We are not violent people attempting to overthrow the law of the State. We are people who are concerned about the State, love it, and are attempting to protect it from an authority that is attempting to destroy it."
The charge of sedition is a draconic one that remains in the Israeli penal code from the Mandatory period. Chief Justice Aharon Barak himself declared in the past that it should be repealed. According to this law a person can be sent to jail for a long sentence because he aroused in the public feelings of dissatisfaction with or contempt for the regime.
To date, the sedition law has been enforced against demonstrators only once -- against the leaders of Zo Artzeinu, Moshe Feiglin and Shmuel Sackett. It appears that this law has been retained for use against lovers of the country. Ariel and Shai, welcome to the exclusive club!
Click here to read: A Letter from Jail.A letter that was sent from the Russian Compound Jail (Jerusalem)by: Ariel Weingruber and Shai Malka
Teens Still Under Arrest
Tens of detainees remain in jail. They include many minors who refuse to identify themselves and are continuing their struggle from behind bars. In one of the court sessions the judge asked a young girl: "What about the commandment to honor one's parents? After all, your parents are worried about you." The girl didn't want to identify herself, so she didn't explain to the judge that her father was murdered by Arabs due to the recklessness of the very system that the judge represents. She didn't explain to the judge that her father, who is clearly observing her actions from the heavens, brought her up in the path of self-sacrifice and devotion that she is displaying today, and that her widowed mother and her orphaned brothers are very proud of her. Instead, the girl simply asked the judge: Are you implying that Jews that died defending Israel didn't observe the commandment to honor one's parents?"
The Establishment doesn't know what to do with this phenomenon and they are starting to apply pressure to the detainees. "We will split you up and jail you with murderers and rapists" they threatened. In such a case, explains MK Aryeh Eldad, the Trial Run operation will seem like child's play. The detainees' friends will carry out a far greater operation and the number of people arrested will be so great that it will be impossible to separate them.
What's Next?
As the leaders of the National Home movement explained, stage two of the struggle will begin the moment Gush Katif is closed off. Until that time spontaneous demonstrations and roadblocks will take place, to keep the struggle on the boil. The major task of the young people now is to go to work in Gush Katif.
In the past, agriculture in Gush Katif was based on foreign workers, who are now leaving because of the eviction plan. Their place will be taken by the loyal youth. Everyone will benefit from this -- the residents of the Gush will receive Jewish workers and significant encouragement. The eviction forces will find themselves facing real, unexpected, numbers of reinforcements, and the youngsters will be given the opportunity to make a valuable contribution during the summer vacation. We must not wait until the Gush is sealed off. We must go there in advance and work, and the sooner the better.
Victory in the Supreme Court
Last Sunday five judges of the Supreme Court, headed by Aharon Barak, heard State Atorrney Mazuz's petition to overturn the ruling that Moshe Feiglin's conviction on sedition did not involve moral turpitude.
Mazuz, in his usual cowardly manner, avoided appearing personally in the challenging session and sent one of his senior prosecutors to represent him. Feiglin represented himself. (All the quotations appearing here are as recalled -- the protocol of the session was edited and censored before being released, so that it is incomprehensible.):
Barak: We have two problems. One is that in the present composition of the court there are some judges who have already expressed their opinion in the matter. The second is: Why address the matter now, when the period of moral turpitude ends anyway in July 2005?
Prosecution: We see no problem in the composition of the court. We think there is importance in principle to the hearing, even though it is of no potential significance in Feiglin's case.
Barak: Mr. Feiglin, do you wish to respond?
Feiglin: First, I should like to make it clear that I do intend to be a candidate for the leadership of the Likud and of the country. However, the hearing has no practical significance and, as I shall explain later, neither does it have any significance in principle. Consequently it makes no difference what the composition of the court is.
Barak: (to the prosecution): What is the real reason for the urgency of the hearing now?
Prosecution: There are two reasons: The first is that we are discussing offences that represent a challenge to Israeli democracy. The second is that we see the great demonstrations that are taking place today. We should ensure that those who plan to carry out such activities should be aware that they will be charged with moral turpitude.
Barak: Mr. Feiglin?
Feiglin: Regarding the first argument: If there is something that is undermining the foundations of democracy, it is the body that the honorable lady (the representative of the Prosecution) represents. This is a body that is preventing a citizen who struggled against the government, was convicted, and served his sentence, from exercising the most fundamental right in a democratic regime -- the right to vote and be elected. Such a body is far more dangerous to democracy than any legal or illegal activity carried out by any citizen. Those who removed me from the Likud list of candidates for the Knesset after I had been elected, are guilty of moral turpitude against Israeli democracy.
Regarding the second argument that refers to deterrence of demonstrators by the punishment of moral turpitude: Unfortunately I think that this is a real tragedy, but this is what is actually happening. If anyone thinks that the ruling of the court, to impose or not impose on me a charge of moral turpitude, will have any effect on anyone's decision whether to go and demonstrate, then he fails to understand the tremendous gap that has opened up between the public and this honorable institution... and I say this regretfully... this is simply a tragedy...
Barak: We shall have an intermission of five minutes.
Prosecution: I wish to request two things: that a date be fixed for continuation of the hearing; and that an injunction be issued...
Feiglin: Can you explain to me what an injunction is, so that I can decide whether to agree to it or oppose it?
Prosecution: Gives a long, tortuous, explanation.
Feiglin: (to Barak): Regarding the request for a date for the hearing, I have no problem with this. As far as I'm concerned, you can continue the hearing now. Regarding the injunction, I'm sorry but I couldn't understand the explanation of the petitioner. Perhaps the court can explain to me what is involved?
Barak: There's no need for an explanation, Mr. Feiglin. There will be neither an injunction nor a date. I'm closing the hearing.
Read Moshe Feiglin's written reply to the Supreme Court (Adar II 5765 - Mar. 05)
Keep up to date with the latest articles and audio updates.Visit our "What's New?" web page.
New Articles
Wild Flowers Grew in the Garden by: Moshe Feiglin (Worth reading if you missed last weeks update)"
Jews Don't Expel Jews By Dr. Yitzchak Klein
New Audio Uploads
audio Yehudit Dasberg: An Arutz 7 Interview: What Made You Join Manhigut Yehudit?
Click here to listen on-line with your media player (streaming)To download this audio file visit Jewish Leadership Audio at :
Keep up to date with the latest articles and audio updates.Visit our "What's New?" web page.
Manhigut In the News
A Jew is a Jew by: Gary Fitleberg (Israel Insider)"
Road Blocking Youth will Save Israel An Arutz Sheva interview with Moshe Feiglin
Click here for more: Manhigut in the News
To subscribe to the Manhigut Yehudit (Jewish Leadership) weekly email list, just click here:
The Jewish Leadership Movement
In this week's update:
The Arrest of the Leaders of the National Home Movement
Tens Still Under ArrestWhat's Next?
Victory in the Supreme Court
New Articles
New Audio Uploads
New Torah Sparks
The Arrest of the Leaders of the National Home Movement
Ariel Weingruber and Shai Malka, the leaders of the National Home movement (both in their early twenties), were brought to court twice this week for extension of their arrest. Ariel and Shai represented themselves in a noteworthy manner, but it was obvious that the judges could not resist the pressure applied to them from above, and the judgments are pre-determined.
In the hearing, Ariel and Shai cited previous demonstrations by the Histadrut, the taxi drivers, the university students, doctors and lifeguards in which roads were blocked, threats were made to "shut down the country," or lives were clearly endangered (the lifeguard strike). Nonetheless, the leaders of these protests were not tried for sedition. "In contrast to the above protests", they reiterated, "which revolved around economic issues, we are trying to save the very lives of all the citizens of Israel."
"Civil disobedience is a practice accepted in every proper democracy. It has been performed in France, in the USA, and in Russia. It is implemented when a large part of the public is trampled and feels that all 'legitimate' means are denied them," they continued. "We are not violent people attempting to overthrow the law of the State. We are people who are concerned about the State, love it, and are attempting to protect it from an authority that is attempting to destroy it."
The charge of sedition is a draconic one that remains in the Israeli penal code from the Mandatory period. Chief Justice Aharon Barak himself declared in the past that it should be repealed. According to this law a person can be sent to jail for a long sentence because he aroused in the public feelings of dissatisfaction with or contempt for the regime.
To date, the sedition law has been enforced against demonstrators only once -- against the leaders of Zo Artzeinu, Moshe Feiglin and Shmuel Sackett. It appears that this law has been retained for use against lovers of the country. Ariel and Shai, welcome to the exclusive club!
Click here to read: A Letter from Jail.A letter that was sent from the Russian Compound Jail (Jerusalem)by: Ariel Weingruber and Shai Malka
Teens Still Under Arrest
Tens of detainees remain in jail. They include many minors who refuse to identify themselves and are continuing their struggle from behind bars. In one of the court sessions the judge asked a young girl: "What about the commandment to honor one's parents? After all, your parents are worried about you." The girl didn't want to identify herself, so she didn't explain to the judge that her father was murdered by Arabs due to the recklessness of the very system that the judge represents. She didn't explain to the judge that her father, who is clearly observing her actions from the heavens, brought her up in the path of self-sacrifice and devotion that she is displaying today, and that her widowed mother and her orphaned brothers are very proud of her. Instead, the girl simply asked the judge: Are you implying that Jews that died defending Israel didn't observe the commandment to honor one's parents?"
The Establishment doesn't know what to do with this phenomenon and they are starting to apply pressure to the detainees. "We will split you up and jail you with murderers and rapists" they threatened. In such a case, explains MK Aryeh Eldad, the Trial Run operation will seem like child's play. The detainees' friends will carry out a far greater operation and the number of people arrested will be so great that it will be impossible to separate them.
What's Next?
As the leaders of the National Home movement explained, stage two of the struggle will begin the moment Gush Katif is closed off. Until that time spontaneous demonstrations and roadblocks will take place, to keep the struggle on the boil. The major task of the young people now is to go to work in Gush Katif.
In the past, agriculture in Gush Katif was based on foreign workers, who are now leaving because of the eviction plan. Their place will be taken by the loyal youth. Everyone will benefit from this -- the residents of the Gush will receive Jewish workers and significant encouragement. The eviction forces will find themselves facing real, unexpected, numbers of reinforcements, and the youngsters will be given the opportunity to make a valuable contribution during the summer vacation. We must not wait until the Gush is sealed off. We must go there in advance and work, and the sooner the better.
Victory in the Supreme Court
Last Sunday five judges of the Supreme Court, headed by Aharon Barak, heard State Atorrney Mazuz's petition to overturn the ruling that Moshe Feiglin's conviction on sedition did not involve moral turpitude.
Mazuz, in his usual cowardly manner, avoided appearing personally in the challenging session and sent one of his senior prosecutors to represent him. Feiglin represented himself. (All the quotations appearing here are as recalled -- the protocol of the session was edited and censored before being released, so that it is incomprehensible.):
Barak: We have two problems. One is that in the present composition of the court there are some judges who have already expressed their opinion in the matter. The second is: Why address the matter now, when the period of moral turpitude ends anyway in July 2005?
Prosecution: We see no problem in the composition of the court. We think there is importance in principle to the hearing, even though it is of no potential significance in Feiglin's case.
Barak: Mr. Feiglin, do you wish to respond?
Feiglin: First, I should like to make it clear that I do intend to be a candidate for the leadership of the Likud and of the country. However, the hearing has no practical significance and, as I shall explain later, neither does it have any significance in principle. Consequently it makes no difference what the composition of the court is.
Barak: (to the prosecution): What is the real reason for the urgency of the hearing now?
Prosecution: There are two reasons: The first is that we are discussing offences that represent a challenge to Israeli democracy. The second is that we see the great demonstrations that are taking place today. We should ensure that those who plan to carry out such activities should be aware that they will be charged with moral turpitude.
Barak: Mr. Feiglin?
Feiglin: Regarding the first argument: If there is something that is undermining the foundations of democracy, it is the body that the honorable lady (the representative of the Prosecution) represents. This is a body that is preventing a citizen who struggled against the government, was convicted, and served his sentence, from exercising the most fundamental right in a democratic regime -- the right to vote and be elected. Such a body is far more dangerous to democracy than any legal or illegal activity carried out by any citizen. Those who removed me from the Likud list of candidates for the Knesset after I had been elected, are guilty of moral turpitude against Israeli democracy.
Regarding the second argument that refers to deterrence of demonstrators by the punishment of moral turpitude: Unfortunately I think that this is a real tragedy, but this is what is actually happening. If anyone thinks that the ruling of the court, to impose or not impose on me a charge of moral turpitude, will have any effect on anyone's decision whether to go and demonstrate, then he fails to understand the tremendous gap that has opened up between the public and this honorable institution... and I say this regretfully... this is simply a tragedy...
Barak: We shall have an intermission of five minutes.
Prosecution: I wish to request two things: that a date be fixed for continuation of the hearing; and that an injunction be issued...
Feiglin: Can you explain to me what an injunction is, so that I can decide whether to agree to it or oppose it?
Prosecution: Gives a long, tortuous, explanation.
Feiglin: (to Barak): Regarding the request for a date for the hearing, I have no problem with this. As far as I'm concerned, you can continue the hearing now. Regarding the injunction, I'm sorry but I couldn't understand the explanation of the petitioner. Perhaps the court can explain to me what is involved?
Barak: There's no need for an explanation, Mr. Feiglin. There will be neither an injunction nor a date. I'm closing the hearing.
Read Moshe Feiglin's written reply to the Supreme Court (Adar II 5765 - Mar. 05)
Keep up to date with the latest articles and audio updates.Visit our "What's New?" web page.
New Articles
Wild Flowers Grew in the Garden by: Moshe Feiglin (Worth reading if you missed last weeks update)"
Jews Don't Expel Jews By Dr. Yitzchak Klein
New Audio Uploads
audio Yehudit Dasberg: An Arutz 7 Interview: What Made You Join Manhigut Yehudit?
Click here to listen on-line with your media player (streaming)To download this audio file visit Jewish Leadership Audio at :
Keep up to date with the latest articles and audio updates.Visit our "What's New?" web page.
Manhigut In the News
A Jew is a Jew by: Gary Fitleberg (Israel Insider)"
Road Blocking Youth will Save Israel An Arutz Sheva interview with Moshe Feiglin
Click here for more: Manhigut in the News
To subscribe to the Manhigut Yehudit (Jewish Leadership) weekly email list, just click here:
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Who is really fighting for Israeli Democracy?
People are being stopped from entering places in Israel because of the color orange!
Indian politicians were stopped from entering the Knesset because they had orange scarves in their bags that they had planned to give as gifts to Israeli politicians! What a diplomatic gauffe that caused!
As the Indian politicians said to the reporters who interviewed them after thh incident(paraphrased): A contry no longer is democratic when it starts stopping people because of a color!
So the question begs to be asked....Who is fighting for democracy in Israel?
The system stopping the orange people?
or the people standing up to the system with the color orange?
The answer has never been clearer!
May the orange struggle for democracy in Israel continue until it succeeds!
As Adir Zik used to say: "Am Yisrael will prevail"
or as I say "Power to the People"!
Us orange people will make a democracy out of Israel in the end and the day will come when Israelis, Jews and citizens of the world will look back and thank us for the struggle that we put up in coloring Israel with the orange spirit.
People are being stopped from entering places in Israel because of the color orange!
Indian politicians were stopped from entering the Knesset because they had orange scarves in their bags that they had planned to give as gifts to Israeli politicians! What a diplomatic gauffe that caused!
As the Indian politicians said to the reporters who interviewed them after thh incident(paraphrased): A contry no longer is democratic when it starts stopping people because of a color!
So the question begs to be asked....Who is fighting for democracy in Israel?
The system stopping the orange people?
or the people standing up to the system with the color orange?
The answer has never been clearer!
May the orange struggle for democracy in Israel continue until it succeeds!
As Adir Zik used to say: "Am Yisrael will prevail"
or as I say "Power to the People"!
Us orange people will make a democracy out of Israel in the end and the day will come when Israelis, Jews and citizens of the world will look back and thank us for the struggle that we put up in coloring Israel with the orange spirit.
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